Life is a flash of lightning in the dark of night. It is a brief time of tremendous potential.” - B. Alan Wallace

“A wise man ought always to follow the paths beaten by great men, and to imitate those who have been supreme, so that if his ability does not equal theirs, at least it will savor of it.” - Machiavelli

What if you were capable of more? What if you were to live a richer, fuller life? 

You have far more potential than you think. Accomplishment, power and reward is in your hands. But you must challenge yourself and succeed your own self imposed limits.

Project Endeavour can be the catalyst that unlocks your potential. It can be your secret competitive advantage.

This site is a curated collection of articles, podcasts, videos and resources from great minds and powerful people. And it's also a syndicate of people committed to personal achievement.

On this page are the three pillars that make up the core of Project Endeavour. They are;

Pillar I - Future Design
Pillar II - Mental Architecture
Pillar III - Resource Development

You can learn more about each pillar below with links to resources in the menu and in the descriptions below.

If you want to change your life, you can start today.

"I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavour." - Henry David Thoreau

Pillar I - Future Design

Without a vision of your future, your days will become committed to trivial repetition. Your energy will be exhausted on mindless acts of short term happiness.

You will end up looking back on your life with regret from the potential you wasted and the person you may have become. 

Throughout the centuries the great creators - the thinkers, the artists, the scientists, the inventors - took steps down new roads with nothing but their own vision. Their actions created the world we live in. What new road and unborrowed vision are yours to discover?

'Future Design' is the process of creating a vision of your future and will form the foundation to your Endeavour.

Definite chief aimTaking ownership, Self awareness, Goal setting, Belief systems, Self simulation, Vision boarding, Visual mapping, Autosuggestion

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Pillar II - Mental Architecture

Mind is the foundation of man. Our identity, self image, belief systems, behaviour and ultimately who we are are all conceived and defined through thought and mental models.

The mind has been called the master power that moulds and makes us. It can bring forth pain or pleasure, joy or sadness and even result in a life of success or a life of failure. What we think in the mind becomes unconscious truth, we feel it in the body and act on it in the world and so it comes to pass.

Very few are aware that we can change who we are through the mind. We can remove delusion, rebuild identity and create a new reality through changing our mental architecture. With process and awareness it is possible to improve your intelligence, learn new abilities, identify opportunity, control your behaviour, influence your habits, discipline yourself, take relentless action and become whomever you want to be.

Mental Architecture follows Future Design in that once you have decided exactly the future you desire, you then need to become the person who can achieve that future. This is the process of configuring and engineering your mind to serve your endeavour.

Mental models, Cognitive Biases, Self discipline, Feedback loop intervention, Nervous system control, Subconscious manipulation, Pattern recognition, Habits, Decision Making, Systems thinking, Inter-discipline approach,  Leadership, Divergent & Convergent thinking, Analysis insight, Reverse engineering, Organisation principles

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Pillar III - Resource Development

Time is the single most important resource we have. It cannot be earned, it cannot be traded and every second we lose is never coming back. The sanctity of time is a core tenet of Project Endeavour and its allocation and management is the ultimate priority.

Apart from time your personal resources include every other asset, material supply, skill or knowledge that will aid you on your endeavour. This is of course your money, energy, focus and motivation. But it's also your ability, work ethic, humour, attitude and vision. It's your fitness, handshake, smile, haircut, clothing and environment. It's your perseverance, patience, knowledge, hard skills, memory, intellect, tools, systems, strategies and habits.

All these are resources that can be acquired, developed and deployed to work in your favour and help achieve your goals. You must see everything around you as opportunities to build a great bank of resource that can be unleashed in pursuit of your endeavour.

It's important you understand and complete the first two pillars of Project Endeavour before fully committing to your Resource Development. The first pillars will give you a direction and purpose to guide you in the undertaking of acquiring these resources and the second pillar will provide the cognition to do so efficiently and effectively.

Defining markets, Analysing opportunity, Life Advice, Problem solving, Customer obsession, Frugality, Scientific Thinking, Financial acumen, Product Development, Influence, Sales, Websites & ecommerce, Systemisation & automation, Marketing & advertising, Investment, Strategy, Operations, Scaling

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